When starting university, most students are challenged by their new environment, course requirements and how to manage their time effectively. Those who eventually succeed develop their own survival techniques through a series of "trial and error" approaches, as there are no comprehensive resources to help them achieve this in their first
When starting university, most students are challenged by their new environment, course requirements and how to manage their time effectively. Those who eventually succeed develop their own survival techniques through a series of "trial and error" approaches, as there are no comprehensive resources to help them achieve this in their first year.
By working with thousands of university students over a period of 20+ years, as personal tutors, we learn to understand the student needs and methods which actually work for them.
We therefore found ourselves in a unique position of understanding both, the instructors and their requirements as well as the challenges that face their students.
The premise of this program is to share this information, within a comprehensive program, with our new students and help them realize their full potential from the start
The program is aimed at a perspective or new university student with a goal of providing the student with the key skills and knowledge that have made our past students successful.
Since some students require personalized one-on-one instructions, while others thrive in a small group environment, we offer both options and flexibility to ma
The program is aimed at a perspective or new university student with a goal of providing the student with the key skills and knowledge that have made our past students successful.
Since some students require personalized one-on-one instructions, while others thrive in a small group environment, we offer both options and flexibility to make the process as meaningful and accommodating as possible.
The program is currently offered to students in engineering and sciences to teach them how to navigate through their new university environment by learning:
Succeeding in university is a function of not just knowing the course material but also understanding the university system and how to navigate it to one's advantage.
As a result, your instructor is an expert at not just the course content, but also the needs and requirements of the professors and their students, which are often different
Succeeding in university is a function of not just knowing the course material but also understanding the university system and how to navigate it to one's advantage.
As a result, your instructor is an expert at not just the course content, but also the needs and requirements of the professors and their students, which are often different if not contradictory.
By working for so many years with university students as their tutor, your instructor has a unique perspective on what makes new students successful.
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